Seam.Next Update
We would like to thank everyone that provided feedback to the announcement we made earlier this week.
So what's happening with Seam?
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, then you'll have seen that Red Hat just added support for JBoss AS 7 on OpenShift (both Express and Flex).
I've spent some time recently working on tutorials and quickstarts for JBoss AS 7, as well as an archetype for creating your own Java EE 6 project for JBoss AS 7. Check it out!
I'll be talking at the Newcastle JBoss User Group on Tuesday evening. I'll be giving a pretty technical introduction to the CDI programming model and talking about how it fits into both the Java EE ecosystem and the JBoss platforms. I'll cover the updates we are planning in CDI 1.1. We'll keep the session pretty informal -- I'm looking forward to some good discussions!
I'm pleased to be able to present this week's module spotlight which was written by Gunnar Morling, the module lead for Seam Validation. - Shane.