I'm pleased to announce the release of PicketLink 2.5.0.Beta3. This release is actually the successor to 3.0.0.Beta2 - we've changed the version number to help avoid confusion going forward, if you want the nitty gritty details about this decision then you can find out more below.
PicketLink 3.0 Alpha1 Released
I'm very pleased to announce the first alpha release of PicketLink 3.0. This release is the culmination of many months of effort by the JBoss Security team, with many contributions made from other project teams at JBoss and members of the community. I'd like to thank everyone involved with this release, from those who participated in the many design discussions on the security mailing list over the last few months, to those who contributed code and have started integrating PicketLink into their own projects.
Seam Security 3.0.0.Alpha1 release
I'm pleased to announce the availability of Seam Security 3.0.0 Alpha1. This release is a major rework of the security features from Seam 2.x, so I apologise in advance for the epic release notes. First the important stuff: