This is the second part in my short series on using Wicket with Seam.
I just got back from JavaBlend 2008, the first Java conference in Slovenia, where I was speaking about Seam. I gave an overview of Seam, and discussed how atomic conversations can help you develop apps. I also demonstrated JBDS to the crowd, to show how easy it is get started with Seam.
Until now, it was not possible or easy to reuse constraints to make more complex constraints.
Out of the box, seam-gen copies all the dependencies of Seam (and then some) into the lib directory of the generated project. The JAR files in that directory are then placed on the project's build path. While this approach gets you up and running quickly, it's probably not the best long-term strategy. It's difficult to determine which libraries your project actually depends on and which versions of those libraries are present. What you need is some sort of formal dependency management.
That's right, we've just posted Seam 2.1.0.CR1.
We have been recently working a lot on the Bean Validation spec (JSR 303) and have two good news for you:
Seam 2.1.0.BETA1 brought Wicket support to Seam, but how do you use this support?
I'm sitting in at Michael Nygard's talk at JAOO about handling failure in production systems. He wrote 'Release It!' a pattern book that describes common anti-patterns and illustrates how they can cause massive downtimes and lost business. During his talk he called out ORM Tools to be bad at handling some of these which urged me to make this blog.
We recently started updating and adding screencasts of various functionality in JBoss Tools and Developer studio at JBoss Tools Movies.
Well, you're in luck!