Just got done releasing 3.3.2 with tons of fixes/enhancements/improvements including some much needed documentation updates and again building translated docs.
JBoss Profiler 2.0 Beta5 is out
A quick release after last month Beta4 release, but it doesn't mean that JBoss Profiler 2.0.0.Beta5 doesn't have new features.
A few people have asked me to publish my slides on Bean Validation and Hibernate Search. Here we go :)
JSR-299 Proposed Final Draft submitted
Seam 2.1.2
Thanks to the hard work of the entire Seam community, Seam 2.1.2 is now out and ready to go. Although 2.1.2 is largely about bug fixing, we do have a few new features for you guys. .
REST support in latest Seam 2.1
If you are eager to try out Eclipse 3.5/Galileo together with exploring upcoming features in JBoss Tools you now can since we have uploaded JBoss Tools 3.1.0.M1 to the servers for you to have fun.
JSR-299 support in IntelliJ
Great to see that IntelliJ are already working on their support for JSR-299.
I just pushed a new Hibernate Core maintenance release 3.2.7 for download. It is mostly minor fixes and improvements; check out the specifics in the change log either in Jira or SourceForge.