This is the fourth installment in a series of articles introducing the Ceylon language. Note that some features of the language may change before the final release.
This is the third installment in a series of articles introducing the Ceylon language. Note that some features of the language may change before the final release.
This is the second installment in a series of articles introducing the Ceylon language. Note that some features of the language may change before the final release.
InfoQ posted a video of my presentation in China. This being the first time I had ever tried to talk about the language in front of other people, I'm quite disfluent, and even say some stuff that isn't even correct. I certainly don't do a great job of explaining some things. Well, I'm sure that with all the conference invitations that have suddenly started filling up my inbox, I'll be getting plenty of practice. :-/
The JCP posted that the CDI 1.1 spec received almost unanimous approval (everyone voted yes except VMWare, who didn't vote at all). The expert group has already started considering issues, and I would like to welcome anyone who has an interest in CDI to join. The homepage for CDI 1.1 development is on github, and provides a set of resources to get you started (more will be posted over time). A previous blog covers what we hope to see improved in CDI 1.1.
This is the first installment in a series of articles introducing the Ceylon language. Note that some features of the language may change before the final release.
I will be giving two talks about JBoss Modules next week at JUDCon 2011 (Boston) - the first on Monday at 9:00 am (ouch, I know) about JBoss Modules in JBoss AS 7, and the second on Monday at 2:30pm about using JBoss Modules itself. Also, I'll be around for most of the week (including during JBoss World/Red Hat Summit), and will be willing to Chat about Stuff when I can.
JBoss Marshalling 1.3.0 is about to land! The ninth (and probably final) release candidate for 1.3.0 has been made available for download. New in this version:
(This week's module spotlight is written by John Ament, the Seam JMS module lead. - Shane)
I'm happy to announce the IronJacamar 1.0.0.Beta6 release.