Member of the Hibernate team and project lead of Hibernate Validator as well as Bean Validation expert group member. Jack of all trades, interested in everything Java and beyond.
Hibernate Core 4.0.0.Beta5
Hibernate Core 4.0.0.Beta5 has just been released. The complete list of changes can be found in JIRA release notes. Things are moving along with the main focus on the new metamodel and its integration into the Core engine.
Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final
Time to update your dependencies or to hit the download site. Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final is released. All artifacts are either available via the JBoss Maven Repository or SourceForge. Links to the latest documentation can be found on the Validator homepage.
Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.CR1 is finally ready for download via the JBoss Maven Repository or SourceForge. We promise you won't have to wait so long for 4.2.0.Final. In total we addressed 28 issues. Most of the issues where minor bug fixes, documentation and code refactorings. Thanks you everyone providing bug reports and helping us to make Validator even better :-)
Moving from Alpha1 to Beta1, I am happy to announce the release of Hibernate Search 3.4.0.Beta1. The release includes an upgrade to Hibernate Core 3.6.2 and the usual bug fixes (see Jira release notes for all the gory details).
Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Beta2 is bottled up and ready for consumption via the JBoss Maven Repository or SourceForge.
I am happy to announce the first beta release of Hibernate Validator 4.2. You can download this release as usual from the JBoss Maven Repository or from SourceForge.
Hibernate Metamodel Generator 1.1.1.Final is available for download from the JBoss Maven repo or from SourceForge. This micro release addresses METAGEN-49 which can cause a ConcurrentModificationException in cases where xml and annotation based configuration are mixed. Hopefully this bug did not cause too much trouble.
Hibernate Metamodel Generator 1.1.0.Final is now available for download either from the JBoss Maven repo or from SourceForge.
Hibernate Search 3.3.0.Beta3 is out with 12 freshly squeezed
bugs. See the Jira release notes for a full list. Some of the more notable changes are:
Time to announce the 1.1.0.CR1 release for the Hibernate Metamodel Generator (hibernate-metamodelgen). In case you don't remember what this annotation processor does read this blog entry.