I just updated the Examples Guide for Weld 1.0 on the newly released JBoss AS 6.0.0.M1, including how to load the projects into Eclipse.
Why is beans.xml required in CDI?
I've seen a couple of folks wondering why CDI requires a beans.xml file in every bean archive. If there's no alternatives, interceptors, or decorators to declare, why do you need to have the empty file?
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Weld logo feedback :-)
Q&A on InfoQ
InfoQ has published a their questions and my answers about CDI and Weld.
Weld in Java SE
One of the really nice things about Weld is how nicely it works in Java SE. Of course, if you run Weld on its own, you won't get nice functionality like EJBs (you'll need an embeddable EJB container for that), but you do get a bunch of great stuff, including:
A developer new to Java EE posted in the Weld forum asking for advice on getting started learning EE 6. I've decided to promote part of my response in the forum to the blog.
Another nice portable extension
Here's a CDI portable extension that reads values from properties files and configures fields of Java EE components. In Java EE 6, this works for any Java EE component supporting injection
, including servlets, EJBs, managed beans, interceptors and more.