Seam 3.0.0.CR2 released
The Seam 3.0 CR2 release is now available for download from the following location:
Seam 3.0.0.CR1 released
The Seam 3.0 CR1 release is now available! First of all the all-important links to the goodies:
Seam 3.0.0.Beta2 hot from the oven
I've just uploaded the Seam 3.0.0.Beta2 bundled release to Sourceforge, where you can download it using the following link:
Seam 3.0.0.Beta1 released
I'm pleased to announce the availability of Seam 3.0.0.Beta1.
Seam Security 3.0.0.Alpha1 release
I'm pleased to announce the availability of Seam Security 3.0.0 Alpha1. This release is a major rework of the security features from Seam 2.x, so I apologise in advance for the epic release notes. First the important stuff:
CDI support in EAP 5
Quite a few people have asked me recently if they have to wait until EAP 6 before they can use CDI in a supported JBoss application server. The good news is, no they don't! While there isn't currently any productised offering for CDI itself (i.e. it's unsupported), it is still possible to use it as the component framework for your EAP-based application thanks to the Weld-servlet library. What's even better is that it requires absolutely no configuration changes to the default EAP installation - CDI based applications can be deployed straight to it and will work out of the box.
Seamframework.org site upgrade
Just a heads up to everyone - I'll be updating the seamframework.org wiki software very shortly. Downtime is currently expected to be around 20 minutes, once the site is back up I'll post an update here.
Seam Remoting 3.0.0.Beta1 released
I'm pleased to announce the availability of our first Seam 3 module, Seam Remoting 3.0.0.Beta1. This release provides a CDI-based port of most of the AJAX remoting features that you know from Seam 2.x, and also introduces a new feature, the Model API. Please refer to the following links for downloads and documentation, and if you encounter any issues please use the issue tracking link to let us know about them. (Seam Remoting now has its own project in JIRA).
Seam 2.2.1.CR1 released
As the title says, Seam 2.2.1.CR1 is now available for download - you can get it from Sourceforge here:
In part 1 of this article, we learnt how to create a new Google App Engine project in Eclipse, integrate the Weld and JSF libraries, run the project locally and finally how to deploy it to the GAE production environment. This second part will look at some of the issues faced when developing a GAE application, particularly when coming from a Java EE development background.