Warp Factor Seam!
So I said I'd blog over here more often in my last post didn't I? Well a combination of real-world trials and tribulations have made that a little difficult but what the heck!
We just finished uploading Seam 2.0.2.CR1 to SourceForge and the Maven repository - so go get it!
RichFaces 3.2 released
JBoss Tool 2.0.1
So you need to deploy to WebSphere, and you really want to take advantage of all the benefits of Seam including EJB3 - but your not sure where to begin?
1000 registered users in the first month
The seam community site went live exactly one month ago, and already boasts more than 1000 registered members, with twenty-something people signing up every day. The new forum is buzzing, and we're starting to get lots of useful information up on the wiki.
One of my first tasks since starting at JBoss/Red Hat was to investigate and document container interoperability. What I found is what I expected - various tweaks, settings and library requirements depending on what container is being deployed to. These have more to do with specific server needs rather than anything Seam is requiring (mostly).
I'll highlight a few of my favourite features of Seam 2, then go on to discuss how where Seam will go over next year, and finally introduce Web Beans.
Hibernate Search 3.0.1
It's been quite some time since the latest release of Hibernate Search, but since the code base has been fairly stable and bug free, we have been holding it until now. But there are some interesting features that could not wait anymore: