Version 5.5.2.Final
is now available, our latest stable version sporting integration with Hibernate ORM 5 and Apache Lucene 5.3 - the state of the art.
Creating this version to be compatible with these two great OSS projects kept us busy for a good deal of this past year; I remember discussing this option with superstar OSS contributors Uwe Schindler (Apache Lucene developer) and Gustavo Nalle (Infinispan developer) at FOSDEM in January 2015! I am grateful to both for their guidance and suggestions, as driving progress forward is sometimes challenging when we strive to keep backwards compatibility as best as we can.
On top of that, our same small but amazing team as been working hard on Hibernate OGM 5, a bit of Hibernate Validator, incredible performance improvements on Hibernate ORM "classic" and is still tinkering on the internals of Hibernate Search to make an Elasticsearch backend an alternative to plain Lucene.
It’s 3 days from Christmas and as a present we decided to release the first Beta of Hibernate OGM 5!
The major news in this release is the mapping support for Cassandra 2.2 new data types, proper handling of the @Lob annotation, post-load event support and Infinispan 8.
This release also continue the process of aligning Hibernate OGM to the Hibernate 5 family. After the passage to Hibernate ORM 5 in the previous release, we updated Hibernate Search to the 5.5 version that also includes the power of Apache Lucene 5.
In the previous release post we described the improvements about storing map-typed properties on MongoDB and Redis. We have now applied the same natural mapping on CouchDB.
Check out the Hibernate OGM migration notes to learn more about migrating from earlier versions of Hibernate OGM to 5.x.
Hibernate ORM 5.0.6.Final
Hibernate ORM 5.0.6.Final has just been tagged and published. This release has been done on an accelerated timebox of 2 weeks (from the normal 4 weeks for bugfix releases) due to US holidays.
The complete list of changes can be found here (or here for people without a Hibernate Jira account).
For information on consuming the release via your favorite dependency-management-capable build tool, see https://hibernate.org/orm/downloads/
The 5th bug-fix release for Hibernate ORM 5.0 has just been tagged and published. This release and the upcoming 5.0.6 release have been done on an accelerated timebox of 2 weeks (from the normal 4 weeks for bugfix releases) due to US holidays.
The complete list of changes can be found here (or here for people without a Hibernate Jira account).
For information on consuming the release via your favorite dependency-management-capable build tool, see https://hibernate.org/orm/downloads/
Hibernate Search 5.5.1.Final is now available!
Feedback about our recent 5.5.0.Final
release has been great, and while the good news is that nobody reported significant issues,
some people also pointed out that the new sorting system was a bit limited.
So we’ve been working on enhancing the FieldBridge
API to make sure that those more expert users who implement their
own bridging would have a better control on how sorting works as well.
We’ve also started some work to push the performance higher, and overall I’m proud to state that this 5.5.1.Final
is including some small internal polish, but results in measurable improvements.
The fourth bug-fix release for Hibernate ORM 5.0 has just been tagged and published.
There are 52 issues resolved in this release. 20 of those came out of the recent Jira cleanup. Initially that initiative pulled in roughly 750 issues. To date, 66 of those have been resolved - fixed or verified as out-of-date, unable-to-reproduce, etc. An additional 14 have been more propoerly reclassified as feature or enhancement requests rather than bugs. The really cool part is the amount of community help we have gotten in making that happen! Thanks to everyone responding, verifying and even fixing alot of these bugs!
The complete list of changes can be found here. People without a Hibernate Jira account will not be able to access the previous link and can access the changelog in GitHub; the issue I reported with Atlassian has been resolved and is ready for deployment into our hosted environment, I just do not know when that will happen.
The third bug-fix release for Hibernate ORM 5.0 has just been published.
It is tagged at http://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/releases/tag/5.0.3
Hibernate ORM 4.2.21.Final has just been released.
It is tagged at: https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/releases/tag/4.2.21.Final
The complete list of changes can be found here.
The second bug-fix release for Hibernate ORM 5.0 has just been published.
The complete list of changes can be found here.
I am happy to announce the availability of Hibernate Validator 5.2.2.Final.
This release fixes several bugs, including a nasty regression around private property declarations in inheritance hierarchies and a tricky issue related to classloading in environments such as OSGi.
We also closed a gap in the API for constraint declaration which allows to ignore annotation-based constraints for specific methods, parameters etc.: