Hibernate OGM is not maintained anymore

Hibernate OGM 5.0.0.Final is finally here!

What’s new?

Compared to the 4.2.Final, this version includes:

There are also several bug fixes and you can find all the details in the changelog.

A nice Getting started guide is available on our website for people who want to start playing with it. A more in depth explanation of all the details around Hibernate OGM is in the reference documentation.

If you need to upgrade from a previous version, you can find help on the migration notes.

What’s coming next?

Now that Hibernate OGM 5 is out, we can focus on working on some new integrations like Neo4j remote and Hot Rod.

You can also have a look at the roadmap for up-to-date news about what’s coming next.

If you think that something is missing or if you have some opinion about what we should include, please, let us hear your voice.

Where can I get it?

You can get Hibernate OGM 5.0.0.Final core via Maven using the following coordinates:

  • org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-core:5.0.0.Final

and these are the back-ends currently available:

  • Cassandra: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-cassandra:5.0.0.Final

  • CouchDB: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-couchdb:5.0.0.Final

  • Infinispan: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-infinispan:5.0.0.Final

  • Ehcache: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-ehcache:5.0.0.Final

  • MongoDB: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-mongodb:5.0.0.Final

  • Neo4j: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-neo4j:5.0.0.Final

  • Redis: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-redis:5.0.0.Final

Alternatively, you can download archives containing all the binaries, source code and documentation from SourceForge.

How can I get in touch?

You can find us through the following channels:

We are looking forward to hear your feedback!

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