Today I tried to write (approximately) this code in Java:
I've been thinking about the problem of passing a Sequence of values to a sequenced parameter in Ceylon (a varargs
parameter in Java terminology). Consider:
You may have heard that AS7 Final has been released! . I plan to say a lot about this, but before I do, I wanted to call attention to the many heroes whose contributions made this monumental release possible.
You might have heard the news: JBoss AS 7 is out :) What does it mean from an Hibernate user perspective?
I've just finished implementing support for self types and type families in the Ceylon type analyzer. I think this stuff is pretty cool, if ever so slightly esoteric.
As every month, we're having a JBoss user group meeting in Newcastle. Next Tuesday 12th July at 6pm I'll be presenting
Quick maven tip for you. If you want to generate a META-INF/LICNSE.txt and META-INF/DEPENDENCIES.txt for your jars (very useful for libraries so users can quickly build an understanding of any licensing implications), here's how.
The IronJacamar team is very happy to announce our first stable release of the project !