With the 7.0.1 release of AS7 comes a new release of the JBoss AS7 Maven Plugin. In addition to allowing you to deploy your apps to AS7, the plugin now has the ability to automatically add datasources to a running AS7 instance.
Progress on the new metamodel ended up being much slower then anticipated, so we decided to move ahead with the 4.0 release and will continue development of it after 4.0. At that point the rest of the work for 4.0 had already been completed which brings us to the first CR release. The complete list of its changes can be found in the JIRA release notes.
The release cycle of Hibernate Search 4 has begun. Alpha 1 is out. We already have many things implemented so this change is consistent and more releases will come quickly.
In my previous blog I wrote about what the role of the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) container is inside the JBoss Application Server - and especially the IronJacamar container inside JBoss Application Server 7.
Hibernate Core 3.6.7.Final is a maintenance release with just a couple of fixes.
Haha! Try compiling this Java code:
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, then you'll have seen that Red Hat just added support for JBoss AS 7 on OpenShift (both Express and Flex).