This autumn I'm speaking at JavaOne (2nd - 6th October in San Francisco), JUDCon London (31st October, 1st November) and Devoxx (14th - 18th November).
Hibernate Core 4.0.0.CR2 has just been released. The complete list of its changes can be found in the JIRA release notes.
Continuing on the Hibernate Search 4 rails, we have just released Hibernate Search 4.0.0 Alpha2. It's the usual lot of bug fixes but also contains some interesting new features made possible by the refactoring started in the 4 series.
I'm happy to announce the first developer build of the IronJacamar 1.1 series.
While our focus has been on the exciting new improvements in Hibernate Search 4, since the release of the last stable release 3.4.0.Final we had much interesting feedback from the community, including bugreports and patches.
This september in Paris, we are lucky to host both the OpenWorldForum and Open Source Developer Conference. And they had the common sense to host them at the same time in the same place. It's September 22th-24th in Paris. I believe it's free but requires registration.
With the 7.0.1 release of AS7 comes a new release of the JBoss AS7 Maven Plugin. In addition to allowing you to deploy your apps to AS7, the plugin now has the ability to automatically add datasources to a running AS7 instance.
Progress on the new metamodel ended up being much slower then anticipated, so we decided to move ahead with the 4.0 release and will continue development of it after 4.0. At that point the rest of the work for 4.0 had already been completed which brings us to the first CR release. The complete list of its changes can be found in the JIRA release notes.
The release cycle of Hibernate Search 4 has begun. Alpha 1 is out. We already have many things implemented so this change is consistent and more releases will come quickly.