Following the "release early, release often" motto, here comes a new version of Hibernate Validator, 6.0.9.Final.
It brings some nice improvements and fixes a couple of bugs.
This is a recommended upgrade for everyone using Hibernate Validator and it is a drop-in replacement of 6.0.8.Final, except if you already started to use the new constraint validator payload feature (see below).
Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.
The Sixteenth bug-fix release for Hibernate ORM 5.2 has just been published.
Spec API Modularity Patterns
While Java 9 has reached its end-of-life earlier this week, the Java Platform Module System (JPMS, JSR 376) is here to stay. This means also specifications such as the Java Persistence API or Bean Validation will eventually have to be adjusted to support and take advantage of the module system.
This blog post is the first of a series on exploring JPMS modularity patterns for specification APIs. In this part we’re going to look into how implementations of a specification API can be bootstrapped in a portable way and how such implementations can access the private state of modules of the user of the API. As discussed a while ago, the latter is a common requirement; for instance JPA providers must do so for reading and writing entity state.
Hibernate Validator 6.0 has matured a lot since its first release, last August.
We added a couple of new features but we also invested a lot of work in improving the overall performances.
I published a first blog post last October to share an update about our performance work based on 6.0.4.Final.
We just released 6.0.8.Final and have a couple more improvements baked for our next release so it’s definitely time for an update.
In this post, I’d like you to meet Mark Rotteveel, software developer and open source enthusiast.
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This release backports some bugfixes that can affect applications that:
set hibernate.order_inserts=true;
set hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update or hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=validate and use a JDK 1.6 version of JDBC.
Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.
We just published 5.9.1.Final, a maintenance release for the 5.9 branch.
This release brings a usability enhancement for our Elasticsearch integration requested by the community (keep them coming!).
It has been a couple of months since our last Hibernate Validator release and we have made some significant progress since then.
We just released Hibernate Validator 6.0.8.Final containing all these bugfixes and enhancements.
This is a recommended upgrade for everyone using Hibernate Validator 6.0.x and it is a drop-in replacement of 6.0.7.Final.