In this article on JavaLobby, Daniel Spiewak, the creator of something called ActiveObjects takes some pot shots at Hibernate, and compares Hibernate negatively with Ruby's ActiveRecord and ActiveObjects. Now, I'm always interested to read informed criticism, but in this case, Daniel seems to be comparing these brand new frameworks against Hibernate2, released in 2003, before I joined JBoss. He says:
Daniel Spiewak responded to More XML than code?
The RichFaces team has released RichFaces 3.1.0. This release merges the functionality of Ajax4JSF and RichFaces into a single package and adds a number of new components. You can get the new release here or try out the online demo.
I will be giving a talk at the Atlanta JUG next Tuesday (18th).
Seam has great i8ln - it provides a built in locale selector which it uses to provide localized message bundles. You can load different message bundles for different pages.
Yesterday I was in Berlin to present JBoss Seam at the Objekt Forum Nord.
Hibernate Search 3.0.0.CR1 is now out. This release is mainly the last bits of new features and polishing before the final version. The next cycle will be dedicated to bug fixes (of any bug that pops up), as well as test suite and documentation improvements.