A quick update for those who like living on the edge ;-)
The new Seam CAPTCHA is great
Seam offers some basic infrastructure for CAPTCHA creation and validation, so all you have to do if you want to add CAPTCHA validation to a form is add a single form field and show the picture with <h:graphicImage/>. The only built-in implementation we shipped with Seam 1.x and 2.0 was based on JCaptcha, but you could easily extend it and do your own question/answer thing. This is actually what I did and you can see my simplified math question CAPTCHA if you try to post a comment to this entry.
Max and I will be at JavaPolis next week. I don't know what Max is doing there but I will talk about Hibernate Search and JSR-303 Bean Validation, both talks on Thursday the 13th. Speaking of JSR-303, I have done a quick interview with Mark Newton on the topic: in a nutshell, it's shaping well and we hope to have a draft out in a month or so for you to review :)
One of my favorite feature in JBoss Tools is the Project Archives
which provides automatic and incremental archiving of arbitrary directories into a zipped archive (jar,zip,war,etc) or into an exploded directory. Usable for any development that wants hot and/or exploded deployment.
Business logic in templates
Stephan Schmidt says that people don’t get the difference between business and UI logic:
Gavin pointed out that he did not get
the separation between business logic and UI.
Which leads to the question of why are we layering in the first place?
I have heard many many bad reasons to justify layering. Actually, this is one of my favorite questions when I give a training. It's always fun to see the people sweating over a justification.
What NAS should I buy?
Someone asked on Slashdot what NAS he should buy. As usual, the clowns have a field day on the comments (even at threshold 5). The usual You should not need one if you do foo
, Why add a single point of failure
, and other Funny comments. I actually happen to have a NAS at home for more than a year. Here is what I wrote a year ago:
JBoss Tools 2 Release Candidate
The release candidate of JBoss Tools is now available at sourceforge for Linux, Windows and Mac.
JBoss Tools Screenshots
To celebrate the new release of JBoss Tools, I'm going to walk through some of the features of JBoss Tools that are interesting to Seam developers.