The Seam team is back from the holidays, and we're quite happy to be able to say that the 2.0.1.CR2 Seam release is out. We've only got a couple of minor housekeeping (docs) issues to address, so unless we see some big bugs in the next few days, I think we can expect to see a GA release early next week.
I'll be talking about JBoss Tools and Developer Studio at JBoss World in Orlando Florida next month.
This is an updated version of Making Eclipse look good on Linux that integrates the comments and the changes relevant for Fedora 8 (which I finally got around to update to).
I learnt a lot about JBoss Tools whilst writing a quick demo for my talk at Javapolis, and I wanted share a favourite feature with you - hot deploy of Seam components. Now, of course, this works with any seam problems if you set it up right, but JBoss Tools makes it /seamless/ :-). It removes the need for calling out to ant to copy the files to the application server - this makes it so quick you don't even see the progress bar pop up!
Updated - added in <rich:orderingList /> and specify the locale for the calendar
Several times, I've encountered the following view:
Well, help is on hand. Jacob Orshalick wrote an excellent article on nested conversations which he seems to be making into bit of series with this latest blog posting on conversation timeouts.
One of the features I am most pleased to see in Seam 2.0.1 is Natural Conversations. Why?
You may have thought we'd be taking it easy after our big Seam 2.0 release a few weeks ago, but we've been hard at work getting ready for 2.0.1. It's almost ready, so we're releasing CR1 today. (download release notes docs)
There has been a couple of interesting blog entries about Hibernate Shards and data sharding / partitioning in the last few days (here and there). Both give a decent five / ten minutes overview of Hibernate Shards.