Web Beans and the EE platform
If there's one thing that we really want to get right as Web Beans goes from Public Draft to Proposed Final draft, it's integration with the Java EE platform. Up to this point, most of the work we've been doing as an EG was focused on nailing down the programming model, the semantics of the Web Beans services, and the behavior of the Web Bean manager. We've been writing the spec to assume that Web Beans implementations should be pluggable between different Java EE containers, because this is a direction that a lot of folks in the Java EE community believe that the EE platform should move in, and because we would like Web Beans to help show the way for other specifications such as EJB, JTA and perhaps even Servlets (note that JPA and JSF already support this).
The 2.1.0.SP1 release of Seam contained many features and updates, one of which is an updated Weblogic integration reference guide chapter
Seam 2.1.0 Integration with GlassFish v2
The Seam 2.1.0.SP1 release included a new reference guide chapter describing Seam integration with GlassFish v2. As with most container integration the bulk of the work is reconciling library differences, datasources and deployment descriptor changes. Glassfish is no different in that regard, however it is much easier to integrate and work with GlassFish than some of the other containers that I written about.
Web Beans Public Review Draft released
The Web Beans (JSR-299) specification is now available for public review.
JBoss Tools Halloween
JBoss Tools 3 Beta1 was built and made available on Halloween night.
The Seam distribution includes a tool named seam-gen to help you get started quickly using Seam. The tool collects information from you about your project and then uses that information to create a project structure. It can also generate a CRUD application by reverse engineering your database schema and generate various forms of stub code. In this entry, you'll learn how to get the generated project setup in Eclipse so that you can leverage the available tooling.
Kito Mann, editor of JSF Central, recorded a podcast with me a couple of weeks back. We deleved deep into the features of Seam 2.1, but also talked about the Public Review Draft of Web Beans (keep an eye on Gavin's blog for updates) and JSF2.
Seam 2.1.0.SP1
The 2.1 GA release was just a week ago, but a few minor issues slipped through the cracks, mostly around seam-gen. We've put together an SP1 release to address the problems. If you are using 2.1 already, I'd recommend grabbing 2.1 even if you aren't experiencing any of the issues.