JBoss at Devoxx
I keep getting asked about the relationship between Seam and Web Beans. At a high level, the mission of the Seam project remains unchanged: to provide a fully integrated development platform for building rich Internet applications, based upon the Java EE environment. In Seam2, this platform consists of the following layers:
Panasonic DMC-LX3
I want to say something about the Panasonic DMC-LX3. I've never written a camera review before, but I'm so inspired by the fact that finally someone made a compact camera for people who actually know something about photography, that I want to do something to encourage this trend.
Just an observation...
Something that's always slightly bemused me is that software development methodology
is something you never seem to hear discussed in organizations whose business is technology. Sure, product companies are certainly very interested in practices and tools to support good practices. (For example, product companies certainly care about testing practices.) But technical practices are kinda orthogonal to methodology debates. And I never hear about a company like Red Hat paying any attention at all to the latest fashions sweeping through the world of agile consultants
and project managers
. In fact, I'd be very interested to hear of a single example of a truly great software product that was developed (at least initially) according to a methodology.
A generic Web Bean for injecting entities
Here's another usecase for the injection point metadata API that we're considering adding to Web Beans. I've always thought it would be nice to be able to inject entity instances by role, instead of passing references around the system. (In Seam, you can use home objects to achieve this.)
Injection point metadata API for Web Beans
Balsamiq - UI Mockups done right!
Have you ever had an idea on how some web or desktop UI should look and needed to tell someone about ? Your text explanations would be misunderstood or you were just too lazy to even write it down or use any of the many useless expensive tool to make it ?
Some cool applications powered by Seam
Seam support in IntelliJ
IntelliJ IDEA 8 has Seam support. Cool!