One of the points for using Hibernate Search is that your valued business data is stored in the database: a reliable transactional and relational store. So while Hibernate Search keeps the index in sync with the database during regular use, in several occasions you'll need to be able to rebuild the indexes from scratch:
The second beta for the Tattletale, the Java dependency analyzer, 1.1 release is out.
I've seen a couple of folks wondering why CDI requires a beans.xml file in every bean archive. If there's no alternatives, interceptors, or decorators to declare, why do you need to have the empty file?
How do you follow the fantastic news of the week with the Java EE6 platform and CDI getting final approval ? How about a JBoss AS release that includes support for three key EE6 features: CDI, Bean Validation, and JSF 2?
DZone recently interviewed me about CDI and Weld. Please, no more jokes about the hat. I had a horrid morning that day and had to run off to the interview without a shower, breakfast or coffee.
I called EE 6 the beginning of a whole new ecosystem. Some of you guys are probably thinking this is hyperbole. Well, here's why I think it's possible.
One of the innovations we have brought to Hibernate Search is an alternative way to define the mapping information: a programmatic API.
We got Thomas Heute to talk with us shortly before Devoxx and had a chat about Portal's, what are they good for and what developers should care about when it come to using a portal such as JBoss Portal or the new GateIn portal project.