Norman Richards has left Red Hat to work for a startup company. Thanks, Norman, for all your work on the Seam project over the last 4 years, and good luck with your new endeavor.
Via TSS, I found this excellent post. Unfortunately, while I appreciate the sentiment (hell, I'm not so young and commitment-free no more), I'm simply not convinced that these things are actually myths. Sure, age discrimination sucks, I guess, and I'd like them to be myths, but is it really a myth that:
It was bound to happen, the minute I announced the Wicket integration, I've received a few emails describing integrations with other frameworks (like Tapestry). I've created a wiki page to list all frameworks integrating Bean Validation and a pointer to their documentation. Go ahead and fill it up with any active integration you are aware of. The page is here.
JBoss Tools 3.1 CR2 is now available for download.
People following our work and vision on Bean Validation know that the ultimate goal is to get the ecosystem of Java frameworks to natively integrate Bean Validation where it makes sense. A particularly important area is the the presentation layer that should call Bean Validation to validate the values to be put in the domain model.
The JSF 2 series on DZone we've been working on continues with an introduction to JSF 2 client behaviors by guest author Andy Schwartz. Andy is a member of the JSR-314 Expert Group (EG) and architect on the ADF Faces project team at Oracle Corporation.
We have just released 3.5.0-CR-2. The main focus for this release was bugfixes and documentation.