Tattletale 1.1.0.CR2 is out
A quick Tattletale 1.1.0.CR2 as some critical bugs were found in the 1.1.0.CR1 release.
Tattletale 1.1.0.CR1 is out
I'm happy to announce Tattletale, the Java dependency analyzer, 1.1.0.CR1 release.
In part 1 of this article, we learnt how to create a new Google App Engine project in Eclipse, integrate the Weld and JSF libraries, run the project locally and finally how to deploy it to the GAE production environment. This second part will look at some of the issues faced when developing a GAE application, particularly when coming from a Java EE development background.
If you've ever programmed in PHP, Ruby, Perl, Groovy, and probably others, then you know how nice it is to have a central, official space for reference documentation and inline community feedback.
Antonio has written a nice article on how to use Bean Validation and Hibernate Validator 4.0 in JPA 1.0 and Hibernate 3.3 (by retrofitting what's happening automatically in JPA 2.0). He asked an interesting question at the end of his post.
Thankyou to Norman
Norman Richards has left Red Hat to work for a startup company. Thanks, Norman, for all your work on the Seam project over the last 4 years, and good luck with your new endeavor.
5 non-myths about older developers?
Via TSS, I found this excellent post. Unfortunately, while I appreciate the sentiment (hell, I'm not so young and commitment-free no more), I'm simply not convinced that these things are actually myths. Sure, age discrimination sucks, I guess, and I'd like them to be myths, but is it really a myth that:
It was bound to happen, the minute I announced the Wicket integration, I've received a few emails describing integrations with other frameworks (like Tapestry). I've created a wiki page to list all frameworks integrating Bean Validation and a pointer to their documentation. Go ahead and fill it up with any active integration you are aware of. The page is here.
JBoss Tools 3.1 CR2 is now available for download.