EclipseCon 2010 is getting close and JBoss by Red Hat is again sponsoring this yearly Eclipse focused event!
This will also be the week where Chris Aniszczyk will be joining Red Hat.
Chris is the PDE co-lead, sits on Eclipse Architecture Council and on Eclipse Board of Directors and i'm looking forward to meet up with him as a collegaue and not just as a PDE bashing fan.
Chris Aniszczyk will be joining the Eclipse Linux Tools team, but he have promised to visit the Java Middleware Tooling world once in a while.
Welcome Aniszczyk!
Beyond hiring Eclipse staff and sponsoring EclipseCon we are also there contributing with a good set of talks:
I'm doing How to make a framework plugin that does not suck and Pimp my bug report.
Rich Sharples is taking part in the panel on The future of application servers which is to be hosted by Chris Aniszczyk.
Nick Boldt will be entertaining with Dash Athena Exposed: Or, How I Learned to Quit Worrying About PDE & Love the Build Process, Build and Continuous Integration with Eclipse and on the Challenge Eclipse - Ask the AC panel.
Brian Fitzpatrick will be talking about DTP in the Real World and Distributed Teams and Eclipse: Developing Over the Miles.
Andrew Overholt shows A world-class Linux IDE: how do we get there from here ?, and hosts The Linux IDE BOF.
John Graham will be presenting SOA at REST
Finally Chris A. is doing two tutorials: Working with OSGi: The stuff you need to know and Understanding and Using Git at Eclipse. He will also be presenting Documentation: Single-Sourcing, Crowd-Sourcing And Other Voodoo and OSGi Best and Worst Practices.
Many others from the JBoss Tools team will also be visiting EclipseCon - come and say hi in the JBoss Booth and in the JBoss Lounge Area where there will be product demonstrations and possibly even beer.
Looking forward to see you all in Santa Clara for a crazy week!