This is a pretty exciting moment, the first public alpha release of a brand new project: Hibernate OGM. Hibernate OGM stands for Object Grid Mapping and its goal is to offer a full-fledged JPA engine storing data into NoSQL stores. This is a rather long blog entry so I've split it into distinct sections from goals to technical detail to future.
The dangers of extrapolation
One of the things most people are taught early in their scientific education is that extrapolation is unreliable. And yet it's always seemed to me that the tendency of the Human mind to extrapolate current trends to the unknown future is so reflexive that we barely notice ourselves or others doing it. A huge percentage of popular debate in many fields (politics, economics, culture, science) falls prey to this fallacy. The fallacy is especially visible right now in the totally debased discussion of the causes and effects of climate change. Few of the loud voices on either side of this discussion, no matter how many times they mention the word science
are actually doing anything remotely approaching a critical, sceptical, Popperian scientific method. It's the victory of Kuhn's description of science, but vulgarized to the level of cable news, and then repurposed for political ends. There's barely a word written on this topic that isn't dripping with confirmation bias. A plague on both your houses.
Hibernate Core 4.0.0.Beta1 has just been released. The complete list of changes can be found in JIRA release notes
IronJacamar 1.0.0.CR1 is out
I'm very happy to announce the IronJacamar 1.0.0.CR1 release, which implements the Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 specification.
Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.CR1 is finally ready for download via the JBoss Maven Repository or SourceForge. We promise you won't have to wait so long for 4.2.0.Final. In total we addressed 28 issues. Most of the issues where minor bug fixes, documentation and code refactorings. Thanks you everyone providing bug reports and helping us to make Validator even better :-)
Hibernate Core 3.6.5.Final
Hibernate Core 3.6.5.Final is mainly a maintenance release with a couple of improvements.