You might have heard the news: JBoss AS 7 is out :) What does it mean from an Hibernate user perspective?
Self types and type families in Ceylon
I've just finished implementing support for self types and type families in the Ceylon type analyzer. I think this stuff is pretty cool, if ever so slightly esoteric.
As every month, we're having a JBoss user group meeting in Newcastle. Next Tuesday 12th July at 6pm I'll be presenting
Quick maven tip for you. If you want to generate a META-INF/LICNSE.txt and META-INF/DEPENDENCIES.txt for your jars (very useful for libraries so users can quickly build an understanding of any licensing implications), here's how.
Announcing IronJacamar 1.0.0
The IronJacamar team is very happy to announce our first stable release of the project !
I've spent some time recently working on tutorials and quickstarts for JBoss AS 7, as well as an archetype for creating your own Java EE 6 project for JBoss AS 7. Check it out!
Hibernate Core 4.0.0.Beta2 has just been released. Most of the work in this release deals with continuing to tidy up the new metamodel. The complete list of its changes can be found in the JIRA release notes
Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final
Time to update your dependencies or to hit the download site. Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final is released. All artifacts are either available via the JBoss Maven Repository or SourceForge. Links to the latest documentation can be found on the Validator homepage.