Excited about JBoss AS 7.1 in the cloud? JBoss AS 7.1 is now available on OpenShift and provides a small memory footprint and lightning fast startup times.
I had the pleasure of gabbing about JBoss Modules a couple times at the Red Hat/JBoss booth at JavaOne this year, drawing frankly more interest than I thought I'd see. As a part of my talk (the video for which you can download here [well, soon anyway]), I chatted a bit about what the future may hold for Java in terms of modular runtime, modular development lifecycle, and distribution management. Some things seem certain - that the current paradigm won't hold, for example - and some are very uncertain - such as what, if anything, will replace Maven as the ubiquitous modular build/distribution system of the future.
With the 7.0.1 release of AS7 comes a new release of the JBoss AS7 Maven Plugin. In addition to allowing you to deploy your apps to AS7, the plugin now has the ability to automatically add datasources to a running AS7 instance.
In my previous blog I wrote about what the role of the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) container is inside the JBoss Application Server - and especially the IronJacamar container inside JBoss Application Server 7.
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, then you'll have seen that Red Hat just added support for JBoss AS 7 on OpenShift (both Express and Flex).
Here are a few quick tips when migrating Hibernate 3-based applications to JBoss AS7, covering the options available for JBoss AS 7.0.0.Final.