Galder got a blog entry describing how to use Project Archives available in JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Tools to build the rt.jar in OpenJDK.
The public draft of Bean Validation is finally out and available here on the JCP website. We have made a lot of improvements and took a lot of feedback from you since the last draft:
JBoss Tools Halloween
JBoss Tools 3 Beta1 was built and made available on Halloween night.
Screencasts for JBoss Tools
We recently started updating and adding screencasts of various functionality in JBoss Tools and Developer studio at JBoss Tools Movies.
Out of need, I recently contributed a data-flow analysis framework to javassist. The framework allows an application to determine, by inference, the type-state of the local variable table and stack frame at the start of every bytecode instruction. For those unfamiliar with the java bytecode format, a lot of information is lost once a java program is compiled, since it is not really needed when the program is executed, and leaving it out helps keep class files small.
Based on the feedback from the community (RichFaces Forum) and the RedHat/JBoss support team, we can emphasize four possible major directions: