Member of the Hibernate team and project lead of Hibernate Validator as well as Bean Validation expert group member. Jack of all trades, interested in everything Java and beyond.
Without further ado, Hibernate Validator 4.3.0.Final is available for download in the JBoss Maven Repository under the GAV org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:4.3.0.Final or via SourceForge.
Moving along the road to a Hibernate Validator 4.3 release I am happy to announce the release of Hibernate Validator 4.3.0.Beta1.
A question which came up recently a lot was the question about the release plan for Hibernate Validator 4.3. It is time for an answer.
After gradually collecting more and more experience with Gradle via the Hibernate Core build, I decided prepare a final showdown. As a reminder, Hibernate ORM switched as of version 4 from Maven to Gradle for a variety of reasons. Taking these reasons on board, I tried to compare Maven vs Gradle incorporating some of the lessons learned. I presented the results at Jfokus 2012. If you are interested here are the slides[1].
It has gone some time since I announced the last release of the Hibernate JPA Metamodel Generator. It is time to announce the release of version 1.2.0.CR1. Just as a reminder, JPA Metamodel Generator is an annotation processor which generates the canonical metamodel classes needed for using the strongly typed JPA 2 Criteria queries.
Moving to steadily towards a Hibernate Search 4 we just released Hibernate Search 4.0.0.CR2. In total we managedto address 32 issues. If you are interested in the details have a look at the Jira release notes.
Fresh back from JUDCon 2011:London, I quickly want to blog about my Hibernate OGM presentation. For the impatient, all the code and the presentation itself is available on GitHub - ogm-kitchensink. The gets you started with building, testing and deploying the code. Deployment is possible into a local JBoss AS 7 instance as well as into OpenShift Express.
Moving from Alpha2 to Beta1, I am happy to announce the release of Hibernate Search 4.0.0.Beta1. For a full list of changes refer to the Jira release notes. Let's look at some of the changes in detail though.