Gavin King is a Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat. He's the creator of Hibernate, a popular persistence solution for Java and of the Ceylon programming language. He contributed to the Java Community Process as JBoss and then Red Hat representative for the EJB and JPA specifications and as spec lead and author of the CDI specification. He's currently a major contributor to the design of Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence. He lives in Barcelona with his wife and three daughters. His active interests include theoretical physics and quantum technologies.
More XML than code?
In this article on JavaLobby, Daniel Spiewak, the creator of something called ActiveObjects takes some pot shots at Hibernate, and compares Hibernate negatively with Ruby's ActiveRecord and ActiveObjects. Now, I'm always interested to read informed criticism, but in this case, Daniel seems to be comparing these brand new frameworks against Hibernate2, released in 2003, before I joined JBoss. He says:
Daniel Responds
Daniel Spiewak responded to More XML than code?
Seam and Drools win Bossies
RichFaces 3.1 released!
The RichFaces team has released RichFaces 3.1.0. This release merges the functionality of Ajax4JSF and RichFaces into a single package and adds a number of new components. You can get the new release here or try out the online demo.
Welcome to the new blog
Let's demo the wiki-text
Check out the new blog! How do you like the /text/ styling?
EE6 wishlist part II: JSF
This is the second installment of a series. Part I is here:
EE6 wishlist part III: Unified EL
This is the third installment of a series. Parts II is here:
Seam 2.0 now in beta
Three months to the day after the release of Seam 1.2.1, Seam2 has entered its beta phase. The Seam 2.0 codebase is more robust, better organized, better documented and is designed to take Seam beyond the world of JSF. Seam 2.0 introduces the following changes and new features:
In defence of the RDBMS
As predictable as fog in San Francisco, every couple of months we are unsurprised to see yet another announcement by some company or open source group who has solved the complexity
of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) by eliminating the relational database. Great leaps in developer productivity are promised, together with astonishing performance increments, usually in the realm of two or three orders of magnitude compared to existing technology. What is most amazing about this is that so many different groups seem to have achieved such breathtaking advances entirely independently of each other and yet, paradoxically, enterprise adoption of these technologies remains approximately zero. What's going on here? Is the all-powerful Oracle Corporation secretly blackmailing all CIOs in America? Well, let's try to understand this paradox better by taking a closer look at the claimed benefits of these systems.