Gavin King is a Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat. He's the creator of Hibernate, a popular persistence solution for Java and of the Ceylon programming language. He contributed to the Java Community Process as JBoss and then Red Hat representative for the EJB and JPA specifications and as spec lead and author of the CDI specification. He's currently a major contributor to the design of Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence. He lives in Barcelona with his wife and three daughters. His active interests include theoretical physics and quantum technologies.
Seam 2.0 was released this morning, after 8 months in development!
The theme of Web Beans is:
The JCP folks seem to have resolved their technical problems, and the Web Beans EDR is now available at We've had some great feedback on the comments alias already. Please keep it coming!
Kevin Bourrillion, one of the creators of Guice, has written an excellent post on the subject of typesafety.
The first early draft[1] is now available! Please send comments to jsr-299-comments(AT) We really /do/ pay attention to community feedback, so if you take the time, it won't be wasted!
Here's my slides[1] from the talk at Silicon Valley JUG. This was a basic overview of Web Beans, for those who know nothing about it.
Over the past year I've started turning down most speaking invitations from conferences and other events. I found that when I do too many talks, I stop enjoying it, and this doesn't help me give a good performance. But in the next few weeks I'm going to get out and talk about Seam and Web Beans at the following events: