Member of the Hibernate team.
Founder of Hibernate Search, Hibernate OGM, Hibernate Validator, Les Cast Codeurs, JBoss Asylum. Lead the JPA implementation of Hibernate ORM.
Data platform architect for the JBoss portfolio at Red Hat. Particularly involved in the Hibernate portfolio as well as Infinispan.
Spec lead of Bean Validation and JPA expert group member.
One of the innovations we have brought to Hibernate Search is an alternative way to define the mapping information: a programmatic API.
EE 6 tsunami
I have been at a few conferences lately and the EE 6 wave is taking a bunch of people by surprise. Tsunami level 6. The last two examples are W-JAX and Devoxx.
Bean Validation is voted YES!
After many months of polishing, we are happy to release Hibernate Validator 4. This is a major milestone for Hibernate Validator with tons of new features and a spec compliance.
Here is the latest draft before sending Bean Validation (JSR 303) to final stage (in pdf[1]). For the few who don't know yet ( ;) ), Bean Validation standardizes constraint declaration, definition, validation and metadata for the Java platform. Said otherwise, add an annotation to a property and hop it's validated.
A few people have asked me to publish my slides on Bean Validation and Hibernate Search. Here we go :)
Good news!