I've just submitted an early draft of the Contexts and Dependency Injection 1.1 (CDI, JSR-346) to the JCP. We (the CDI community) have completed around a third of the features we want to see in CDI 1.1, so wanted to post an early draft to get some wider feedback. Whilst the JCP sort out the paperwork, you can read the draft on jboss.org :-)
Kevin Pollet and I were interviewed by DZone about the CDI support in Infinispan - if you are interested in Infinispan, caching or data-grids, this should be interesting for you.
Seam.Next Update
We would like to thank everyone that provided feedback to the announcement we made earlier this week.
So what's happening with Seam?
JavaOne, JUDCon and Devoxx 2011
This autumn I'm speaking at JavaOne (2nd - 6th October in San Francisco), JUDCon London (31st October, 1st November) and Devoxx (14th - 18th November).
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, then you'll have seen that Red Hat just added support for JBoss AS 7 on OpenShift (both Express and Flex).