Hibernate Search is a library that integrates Hibernate ORM with Apache Lucene or Elasticsearch by automatically indexing entities, enabling advanced search functionality: full-text, geospatial, aggregations and more. For more information, see Hibernate Search on hibernate.org.

Originally started as a Google Summer of Code project by Mincong Huang, Hibernate Search 5.9 will feature integration with JSR 352, "Batch Applications for the Java Platform". This integration provides a new implementation of mass indexing (indexing a high volume of entities) as a JSR 352 job.

Yesterday we released 5.9.0.Beta1 so you can try it out already!

Why is it nice? How to use it? Let’s find out!

What’s JSR 352?

"JSR 352: Batch Applications for the Java Platform" is a specification defining interfaces and mechanisms to execute batch processes ("jobs"), i.e. processes that involve applying the same operation over and over again to a large number of items.

In JSR 352:

  • The job definition is provided as an XML file and a few Java classes, called batch artifacts. In our case, the definition is provided by Hibernate Search.

  • The JSR 352 runtime avoids boilerplate code by managing threading, transactions, the execution flow (calling methods on batch artifacts), …​

  • And all that’s left is configuring the infrastructure. In our case that’s your responsibility, as the Hibernate Search user.

How is it better than the existing Mass Indexer?

Ever tried to reindex 100,000 entities with the existing mass indexer, only to experience some network or disk error at the 99,001th entity? Then you have to restart from the very beginning, even though the first 99,000 entities were indexed just fine…​

With the JSR 352 mass indexing job, the job will simply resume from the last checkpoint, probably somewhere around the 95,000th entity.

There are other advantages (such as being able to pool resources between multiple, unrelated background jobs), but this one really is the reason we think JSR 352 makes sense.

How to use the JSR 352 mass indexing job?


Within Wildfly 11, use our JBoss modules, configure Hibernate ORM and Hibernate Search. In order for your application to access the Hibernate Search mass indexing job, add a dependency to the org.hibernate.search.jsr352 module in your deployment and import the meta-information, e.g. by specifying the following in your application’s META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file: Dependencies: org.hibernate.search.jsr352 meta-inf. That’s all: you can then retrieve a javax.batch.operations.JobOperator instance in your application through CDI injection.

In a Java SE application, you can use the reference implementation for JSR 352, JBatch, in Java SE mode. You will need to:

  • add a dependency to the following artifacts in your project:

    • org.hibernate:hibernate-search-jsr352-core:5.9.0.Beta1

    • com.ibm.jbatch:com.ibm.jbatch-runtime:1.0

    • javax.batch:javax.batch-api:1.0

    • javax.inject:javax.inject:1

    • org.apache.derby:derby:

  • add configuration files to you classpath under META-INF/services,

  • retrieve the JobOperator in your application by calling javax.batch.runtime.BatchRuntime.getJobOperator() (be sure to store the result, as each call may create a new operator).

  • make sure to initialize Hibernate ORM before you try to launch the mass indexing job, and to only shut it down after the last mass indexing job stopped.

You may also use JBeret in Java SE mode:

  • add a dependency to org.hibernate:hibernate-search-jsr352-jberet:5.9.0.Beta1 in your project

  • set up your project as explained in the JBeret documentation

  • retrieve the JobOperator in your application by calling javax.batch.runtime.BatchRuntime.getJobOperator() (be sure to store the result, as each call may create a new operator).

  • make sure to initialize Hibernate ORM before you try to launch the mass indexing job, and to only shut it down after the last mass indexing job stopped.

As for other JSR 352 runtimes, the mass indexer may or may not work. We are in the process of testing at least one other Java EE application server and Spring Batch: see Current limitations and further work below.


All the examples below assume the variable jobOperator contains the job operator retrieved as instructed above.

To launch a mass indexing job:

java.util.Properties parameters = org.hibernate.search.jsr352.massindexing.MassIndexingJob.parameters()
                .forEntities( MyFirstEntity.class, MySecondEntity.class )
long executionId = jobOperator.start(

You can then query the execution status through this call:

javax.batch.runtime.JobExecution jobExecution = jobOperator.getJobExecution( executionId );

You can suspend the job this way:

long executionId2 = jobOperator.stop( executionId );

To resume the job after suspension or upon failure, you can request a restart this way:

long executionId2 = jobOperator.restart( executionId, parameters );

According to the JSR 352 specification, you must provide the parameters again when restarting a job.

However, JBeret, the JSR 352 implementation included in Wildfly, allows you to pass null instead, and will interpret it as "the parameters I used when initially starting the job".

The builder you get from calling MassIndexingJob.parameters() offers a few settings. Here are some of the most useful:

  • .purgeAllOnStart(boolean): specify whether the existing index should be purged at the beginning of the job.

  • .restrictedBy(Criterion): use a Criterion to only index a subset of entities.

  • .restrictedBy(String): use HQL to only index a subset of entities. Note that when using HQL, the job switches to a degraded mode that suffers from several limitations, making it fit only for small, quick executions. See the documentation for details.

You can find more information about the job parameters, how to tune performance, or how to deal with applications relying on multiple JPA persistence units in the documentation.


We did a bit of benchmarking, and as far as we could see, the performance of the JSR 352 mass indexing job is on par with that of the existing mass indexer.

However, please keep in mind that performance depends a lot on your setup, and you may have to tinker a bit with the job parameters in order to achieve optimal performance, as explained in the documentation.

Current limitations and further work

Currently, the Hibernate Search JSR 352 integration was only proven to work with two JSR 352 runtimes: JBatch in standalone mode and JBeret in a WildFly server.

We would like to make sure our mass indexing job will work with other Java EE application servers, and hopefully with Spring’s own Spring Batch project, which has limited support for JSR 352.

In the meantime…​ keep in mind that we’ve already released 5.9.0.Beta1, so you can try it out already! See hibernate.org for how to get the new version.

In any case, feel free to contact us for any question, problem or simply to give us your feedback!

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