Hibernate OGM is not maintained anymore

Another month, another release: Hibernate OGM 5.2 Beta1 is ready!

The main goal for this release is to support Infinispan 9.1 and allow the creations of caches when they are missing.

If you need to upgrade from a version before 5.2, you can find help on the migration notes.

All the changes are described in the release notes.

Infinispan remote automatic cache creation

By default, Hibernate OGM expects the caches you defined via the mapping and the configuration to already exit on the Infinispan server. At start up, an exception is thrown if one of the caches is not found.

With this version is now possible to have Hibernate OGM create the caches on startup if they are missing. You can enable this feature by setting the property:


The official documentation has more details about the different cache mapping approaches in Infinispan.

We understand that the name of this property is strange in the Infinispan context. This property is a generic one used by many different dialects and it will likely change before the final release.

Where can I get it?

You can include in your project the dialect of your choice using this maven coordinates:

  • Infinispan

    • Embedded: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-infinispan:5.2.0.Beta1

    • Remote: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-infinispan-remote:5.2.0.Beta1

  • MongoDB: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-mongodb:5.2.0.Beta1

  • Neo4j: org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-neo4j:5.2.0.Beta1

Alternatively, you can download archives containing all the binaries, source code and documentation from Sourceforge.

If you are intersted about availabe versions, you can check the official Hibernate OGM download page.

What’s next?

We will work on improving the integration with Infinispan remote and support the JPA and Hibernate ORM properties for the databases validation and creation at start up. We will also add a new annotation to make it easier to select a template configuration for Infinispan caches.

How can I get in touch?

You can find us through the following channels:

We are looking forward to hearing your feedback!

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