Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.

Upcoming events

Java Gruppen Danemark is hosting a High-Performance Hibernate webinar. If you want to participate, then you should register on Eventbrite.

Hibernate OGM will be at Devoxx UK 2017. If you want to learn more about Hibernate OGM and Infinispan, then you should definitely come to see Sanne’s presentation.


A very handy feature when working with JDBC batch updates is to find out which statement triggered a batch failure. Read this article for more info on this topic.

You can use Hibernate with CockroachDB. Check out this tutorial to see how easily you can integrate them.

Mapping the @OneToMany association is not as easy as you might think. Check out this article which shows you the best way to map a @OneToMany relationship.

Alon Segal shows you how to implement Multitenancy with Spring and Hibernate. Multitenancy is very handy when you need to support multiple customers on a single platform so that each customer is limited to its own tenant.

I read this article which describes a way to provide a JPA AttributeConverter to support Java 1.8 Data/Time types. However, this is not needed since Hibernate has been supported them for quite a while now.

For our Czech readers, Roman PichlĂ­k wrote a very good article about all sorts of application performance issues, and the Open-Session in View is mentioned as well.

For our French readers, eXo platform has written an article that shows you how to integrate eXO with JPA and Hibernate.

Time to upgrade

Hibernate Validator 5.4.1 and 6.0.0 Alpha 2 are out.

GORM 6.1 has been released with support for Hibernate 5.2.

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