It’s with great pleasure that I announce the final release of Hibernate Validator 5.4.0.

What’s new since 5.4.0.CR1

For those of you following closely this blog, not much to say since 5.4.0.CR1. We fixed a few bugs and polished a few things.

We shod in a small new feature: you can now require a @ScriptAssert constraint violation to be reported on a specific property. In the following example, the constraint violation will be reported on the endDate property rather than at the class level:

@ScriptAssert(lang = "javascript", script = "_this.endDate.after(_this.startDate)", reportOn="endDate")
public class CalendarEvent {

    private Date startDate;
    private Date endDate;


You can find the complete list of all addressed issues in the change log.

New documentation layout

We converted the Hibernate Validator documentation to AsciiDoctor a loooong time ago but we were still using a Docbook output to be able to generate the PDF documentation. AsciiDoctor now has a (still in alpha but already pretty mature) PDF plugin and we decided to take the final step and get rid of our Docbook output.

So our reference documentation now uses a nice AsciiDoctor output and so does our PDF documentation.

We hope you’ll like it. We do!

5.4.0 Retrospective

You might not follow our blog on a regular basis so here is a retrospective of all the good things included in 5.4.0.Final.

JavaMoney support

Hibernate Validator now includes JavaMoney (JSR 354) support. You can use @DecimalMin and @DecimalMax constraints on your MonetaryAmount fields and we also introduced a new @Currency annotation allowing you to constrain the currency used in your MonetaryAmounts.

See our previous blog posts for more information:

This feature was initially contributed by Lukas Niemeier and Willi Schönborn from Zalando. Thanks again.

Annotation processor improvements

A special thank you goes to Marko Bekhta for his work on the annotation processor. Marko invested a lot of time to get the annotation processor on par with the latest Hibernate Validator features. Go validate your constraint definitions at compile time!

WildFly patch

Using WildFly and wanting to use the good things of this new version? We now provide a WildFly patch you can apply on top of your WildFly installation to use 5.4.0.Final.

You can find more information in the 5.4.0.Beta1 release announcement.

And a whole lot of other good things

  • Improvements to the @Email constraint

  • New constraints specific to Polish identification numbers

  • A Ukrainian translation

Getting 5.4.0.Final

To get the release with Maven, Gradle etc. use the GAV coordinates org.hibernate:{hibernate-validator|hibernate-validator-cdi|hibernate-validator-annotation-processor}:5.4.0.Final.

Alternatively, a distribution bundle containing all the bits is provided on SourceForge (TAR.GZ, ZIP).

Feedback, issues, ideas?

To get in touch, use the usual channels:

What’s next?

Bean Validation 2.0 and Hibernate Validator 6 are under active development. The first alpha will be out in the next few days.

As far as Bean Validation 2.0 is concerned, there are very interesting discussions going on about value extraction which is THE big BV 2.0 feature. Come and join us on Bean Validation website to define the future of Bean Validation.

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