Hibernate Search is a library that integrates Hibernate ORM with Apache Lucene or Elasticsearch by automatically indexing entities, enabling advanced search functionality: full-text, geospatial, aggregations and more. For more information, see Hibernate Search on hibernate.org.

While Hibernate ORM applies some more polish before releasing the final version, so did the Hibernate Search team.

Hibernate Search version 5.4.0.CR2 is now available! It was built and tested with Hibernate ORM 5.0.0.CR3, again we’re just waiting for that to be final but decided to release another Candidate Release as some fixes and improvements were recently applied.

The "Meridian crossing issue"

The Spatial query feature was affected by a math sign mistake which would reveal itself on distance based queries which would cross the 180' meridian. Thanks to Alan Field for the test and Nicholas Helleringer for debugging and fixing the issue!

Serialization issue on enabling Term Vectors

Kudos to Benoit Guillon, who debugged and fixed a mistake in the Avro based serializer, for which values of Term Vectors would not be indexed when enabling Term Vectors in combination with a remote backend. See also HSEARCH-1936.

Various small improvements

You can now have the MassIndexer set a different timeout for the internal transactions it will start, so if you’re running Hibernate Search in a container like WildFly you no longer have to make a choice between having a deadline of 5 minutes or changing the default timeout of the whole container.

  • Improved validation when choosing an invalid Sort definition

  • The Infinispan module will now get you a warning if your Maven project is using the old artifact ids

  • The performance integration tests have been re-enabled, and fixed to run on latest WildFly and Java8 and Java9

  • Fixed a potential issue with timezone encoding for indexed dates

  • Improved the code generating the path for index storage to handle "." elements in the configured paths

  • Upgraded to Hibernate ORM 5.0.0.CR3 and WildFly 10.0.0.Alpha6 (WildFly only used for testing)

Where to download it from

Everything you need is available on Hibernate Search’s web site. Download the full distribution from here, or get it from Maven Central, and don’t hesitate to reach us in our forums

What’s next?

Soon we’ll be releasing a preview of 5.5 to have you upgrade to Apache Lucene 5.2. The Hibernate Search version 5.4.0.Final will be released when Hibernate ORM 5 is released as stable.

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