Thoughts on Seam 1.2

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This release was not meant to be such a big one. We had originally intended to call it 1.1.7, but when we sat down and looked at the size of the changelog since the 1.1.6 release, we realized that there were simply too many changes for a point release. So it got a very last minute rebranding ;-)

Warning: this is not the promised 1.2 release with WS and ESB integration! That will go out as Seam 1.3 in a couple of months from now.

Seam development has gone into hyperdrive: there's now three people (myself, Norman, Shane) working fulltime on the project, with Pete Muir joining soon, and many contributions from users and from JBoss guys like Michael Yuan, Max Andersen and James Williams.

Speaking of user contributions, the single biggest new feature in this release was developed by Michael Youngstrom: the long-awaited Spring integration. Michael did an awesome job of making the two component models work together, as you can see here:

Right from the start, some people have wanted to interpret Seam as JBoss' answer to Spring. I've always strongly resisted that characterization, since the competition we have really set our sights on is .Net, and to a lesser extent Ruby on Rails. Seam's goal is to be an entire development environment encompassing both framework and tooling, where everything Just Works, Out Of The Box. The payoff for somewhat less choice in individual technologies is less time wasted evaluating and arguing about products and more time developing real user-visible functionality in a much more consistent and deeply integrated programming model.

At least, that's the theory.

In practice, most of our users are migrating from some legacy architecture based upon Spring, Hibernate and Struts/JSF/whatever. For example, some folks in Israel are in the process of migrating three different customer projects from Spring and Hibernate onto Seam and EJB 3.0. That's a pretty big undertaking if it means rewriting your entire business layer and presentation layer at once. Anything we can do to make it easier for these folks to reuse their existing Spring components in Seam with minimal work is well worth doing.

Meanwhile, there are a number of folks out there who refuse to contemplate the idea of using any technology with the letters E, J and B in it. Nor will they even evaluate any framework which doesn't let them obsessively micromanage their components with thousands of lines of Spring XML. Despite the fact that I think these people have totally missed the point of the whole POJO concept (which was originally about simplicity and reducing LOC), I would still like them to be able to use Seam and gradually adapt to the Seam Way, at whatever pace is comfortable to them.

Michael's Spring addon for Seam lets you treat a Spring bean as a Seam component, just like the Seam core lets you treat a JavaBean or EJB as a Seam component. This means you can easily call legacy Spring components from Seam - you can even use Seam annotations like @In, @Begin or @Scope in a Spring bean. You can use Seam's contexts as Spring custom scopes. You can inject Spring into Seam and Seam into Spring. You can even use a Seam-managed persistence context from your Spring DAOs.

So are Spring and Seam a match made in heaven? Well, not exactly. Unlike EJB3, or even JavaBeans, which were both designed as stateful component models, Spring beans were simply never meant to be used in a contextual, stateful architecture. At least in a clustered environment, it's probably wiser to stick with using your Spring beans as stateless services that are called by stateful Seam components, rather than going crazy with conversation-scoped Spring beans. But if you really want to go crazy, please let me know how it turns out! I actually think these new features are pretty cool ;-)

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