3.5.1-Final is a maintenance release of mainly minor bug fixes. Two fixes in particular were non-minor:
Yaay, we made it! :)
We are pleased to announce completion of the first phase of migrating Hibernate.org to what we feel will be a more stable, more collaborative and more friendly experience.
We have just released 3.5.0-CR-2. The main focus for this release was bugfixes and documentation.
I am pleased to announce that we have just released Hibernate version 3.5.0-CR-1. As a refresher, Hibernate follows the JBoss versioing scheme where CR is a Candidate for Release
(what many of you might call RC). The main stated goal of 3.5 is JPA 2 compliance. This is the first release we believe achieves that goal entirely. In fact we are in the process of certifying for standalone JPA 2 compliance and have integrated this CR into the imminent JBoss AS M2 release as part of their effort towards full Java EE 6 compliance.
There have been numerous questions in regards to the following statement made in a few places on the Hibernate website:
In terms of JPA 2, its really easier to start talking about things not yet implemented :) The set of missing features are defined by the unresolved subtasks of the following 2 Jira issues:
Specific JPA 2 related enhancements from Beta-2 include:
The second release towards JPA 2 support. Specific JPA 2 related enhancements from Beta-1 include:
As a follow up to http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/SimultaneouslySupportingJDBC3AndJDBC4WithMaven, I wanted to point out that I uploaded some example projects to the design discussion. There are 2 different approaches as Maven projects and one Gradle project.