Seam Module Spotlight - Seam JMS
(This week's module spotlight is written by John Ament, the Seam JMS module lead. - Shane)
I'm pleased to announce the availability of Seam Faces 3.0.1.Final. Brian Leathem, the Seam Faces module lead has addressed a number of issues with this point release and also made a number of enhancements to the view configuration feature, which I'm sure a lot of people are going to be excited about. In the (hopefully continuing) tradition of having a weekly module spotlight feature, Brian has also written this week's article which I'm very pleased to present to you now!
Seam Module Spotlight: Seam Catch
This is my first in.relation.to entry! Hello everyone, my name is Jason Porter, author of Seam Catch. You'll see more Seam 3 / CDI posts from me in the future, for now, let's get to our first Seam Module spotlight:
Seam 3.0.0.Final Released
Seam 3.0 CR3 released
It's time for another Seam release! This one wasn't actually planned (we had hoped to go straight to final after CR2), however with a number of last minute API changes I thought it would be best to run Seam through the testing wringer one last time before we put our stamp of approval on it. The good news is that the 3.0 Final release is very close behind, and if all goes to plan it will be out before the end of the month just like I promised.
The short answer is: Yes.
Seam 3.0.0.CR2 released
The Seam 3.0 CR2 release is now available for download from the following location: