Seam 2.0.0.CR3
I'm happy to announce that we've just released Seam 2.0.0.CR3. (download it) As you can see from the release notes, we've been rather busy the last few weeks. Most of the changes since CR2 are documentation and test related, but we've also been busy fixing bugs, upgrading dependencies and making sure that JBossTools and Seam 2.0 work together.
Peter Hilton and Nicolas Leroux will present their experience of implementing an application using Seam, and Bruno Georges will talk about Open Source SOA.
One of the most common forum questions is How do I make Seam call an action method at startup?
Seam 2 support in JBoss Tools
Last nights build of JBoss Tools now has Seam 2 support in its project creation wizards and the artifact wizards (New Seam Action, Form, etc.)
Want to use Seam with Maven?
Since I posted that Seam was now available in Maven, both Michael Yuan and Wesley Hales have blogged about creating a Seam project with Maven, including automagically setting up Tomcat with JBoss Embedded (cool, huh!) and deploying the project to it.
Here's a quick overview of a feature I've been wanting to add to Seam for ages. It's really easy to use - just create a standard SeamTest and inside the invokeApplication() call getRenderedMailMessage(viewIdOfMailMessageToRender). You can then make assertion's against the returned MimeMessage.
Seam 2.0.0 CR2 is out!
More on the wiki road map
Those of you who keep up with Seam CVS will have noticed a lot of changes recently to the build system. I'm going to give a brief tour of them here, and discuss how they affect you when you use Seam.