Tools QA at Seam In Action JavaPolis
Sitting in on the Seam In Action
talk with Pete Muir, Peter Hilton and Nicholas Leroux and thought that I could put more elaborate answers to the questions asked during this talk about the tooling.
A quick update for those who like living on the edge ;-)
The new Seam CAPTCHA is great
Seam offers some basic infrastructure for CAPTCHA creation and validation, so all you have to do if you want to add CAPTCHA validation to a form is add a single form field and show the picture with <h:graphicImage/>. The only built-in implementation we shipped with Seam 1.x and 2.0 was based on JCaptcha, but you could easily extend it and do your own question/answer thing. This is actually what I did and you can see my simplified math question CAPTCHA if you try to post a comment to this entry.
JBoss Tools Screenshots
To celebrate the new release of JBoss Tools, I'm going to walk through some of the features of JBoss Tools that are interesting to Seam developers.
Seam presentation video
Two weeks ago I presented Seam at Grails eXchange in London. This presentation was recorded, unfortunately without the slides in the visible frame:
Seam2 is out!
Seam 2.0 was released this morning, after 8 months in development!