Our group name
I'm often asked to identify what projects I'm working on at Red Hat, or what group I'm a part of. My response reads like a laundry list:
Testing Java EE the JBoss way
Recently, we've been working hard on a solution to improve the testability of Java EE, and particularly JBoss AS. I'm pleased to say that a critical piece of puzzle, Arqullian, is now available. Congratulations to Aslak and the Arquillian team for releasing the first alpha of Arquillian! You can read more about Arquillian's mission, and our plans for Java EE testing below; alternatively, there are some quick links at the bottom if you want to dive right in.
I want to spend a moment introducing you to a team restructuring we're undertaking for the Seam and Weld projects. We have decided to consolidate the community-focused roles that various people have held in the past to a single person. Whilst I (as project lead) am often focused on architecture, making sure releases happen on time, and coordinating the various contributors, the community liaison is more focused on making sure the project is both easy to consume by the community and easy to contribute ideas and code into.
I'm happy to announce the first alpha release of Arquillian, an open source (ASL v2) framework for running tests in the container. If you want to read more about Arquillian's mission, and how it fits into our vision for testing at JBoss, read Pete's blog.
If you've ever programmed in PHP, Ruby, Perl, Groovy, and probably others, then you know how nice it is to have a central, official space for reference documentation and inline community feedback.
JSF 2.0 Roadmap for RichFaces
The JSF 2 series on DZone we've been working on continues with an introduction to JSF 2 client behaviors by guest author Andy Schwartz. Andy is a member of the JSR-314 Expert Group (EG) and architect on the ADF Faces project team at Oracle Corporation.