The Hibernate team is proud to announce the first candidate release for 5.0. The main changes since the Beta2 release include:
The primary reason for this release is to add support for running Hibernate ORM with Infinispan 7.2.1.Final as a runtime dependency. Hibernate still uses Infinispan 6.0.0.Final by default.
I have just finished releasing Hibernate O/RM 5.0.0.Beta2. Beyond Beta1, this release adds:
4.3.9.Final and 4.2.19.Final were released 15/Apr/2015.
We just got done releasing Hibernate O/RM 5.0.0.Beta1. I will follow up later with a more in depth blog post for 5.0.0.Final, but this first Beta implements all new APIs and most new features. Specifically in this Beta include:
These releases contain mostly minor bugfixes and improvements. For more information, please see:
Today is a big day. The first release of Hibernate OGM with final status. Ever! Don't be fooled by the 4.1 number. Hibernate OGM is an object mapper for various NoSQL stores and offers the familiar JPA APIs. This final version offers mapping for MongoDB, Neo4J, Infinispan and Ehcache.
After a huge push, we are now one release away from our Final version. So without further due, I present you Hibernate OGM 4.1.0.CR1. To sum it up:
For more information, please see:
For more information, please see: