Today we release Hibernate OGM 5.1.0.Beta1
and 5.0.3.Final
In version 5.1 we introduce an amazing new feature: support for storing data in Infinispan Server using the Java Hot Rod client, encoding your data into Google Protobuffers, while handling all the nasty mapping automatically.
I am pleased to announce the first maintenance release of Hibernate Validator 5.3.
The Fourth bug-fix release for Hibernate ORM 5.2 has just been published. It is tagged at https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/releases/tag/5.2.4
The complete list of changes can be found here (or here for people without a Hibernate Jira account).
For information on consuming the release via your favorite dependency-management-capable build tool, see https://hibernate.org/orm/downloads/
There has been a lot of release activity on the Hibernate front lately and it is my pleasure to announce that Hibernate Validator just joined the party with the release of Hibernate Validator 5.3.0.Final.
Good news!
We released Hibernate OGM 5.1 Alpha1 and 5.0.2 Final!
Today we have three releases of Hibernate Search!
I’m proud to announce our team is a bit larger nowadays, and more contributors are volunteering too, so we managed to increase the development pace. Today we release version 5.6.0.Beta3
, 5.7.0.Alpha1
and 5.5.5.Final
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The Third bug-fix release for Hibernate ORM 5.2 has just been published. It is tagged at https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/releases/tag/5.2.3
The complete list of changes can be found here (or here for people without a Hibernate Jira account).
For information on consuming the release via your favorite dependency-management-capable build tool, see https://hibernate.org/orm/downloads/
This summer was relatively quiet in terms of releases, but many have been testing and improving the Beta1 release of our Hibernate Search / Elasticsearch integration.
So today we release version 5.6.0.Beta2
with 45 fixes and enhancements!
For a detailed list of all improvements, see this JIRA query.
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We are making good progress working on Bean Validation 2.0 and we decided to move the target version for BV 2.0 to Hibernate Validator 6 (see more at the end of this post!).
We did not want to leave 5.3 half backed so we are preparing a 5.3 release with bugfixes, additional translations… and a few new features. This Candidate Release 1 is the first step towards this process. Expect a quick 5.3.0.Final release after that so please test this version as thoroughly as possible and report any bugs you may find in it!