Hibernate ORM 4.1.1 has just been released. This release contains a slew of improvements and bug fixes. Some specific changes of interest include:
A question which came up recently a lot was the question about the release plan for Hibernate Validator 4.3. It is time for an answer.
I'm happy to announce the 6th alpha release of our IronJacamar 1.1 series.
This release will hopefully be the last before Hibernate Search 4.1 final. If you want to give feedback, now is the time :) We are simultaneously releasing Hibernate Search 3.4.2 as a minor bug fix release.
Great, I'm finally able to write, compile, and run Ceylon code that uses Java libraries from within Ceylon IDE:
I wrote up an entry about some Seam 3 examples over at my JBoss Community Blog. Check it out if you're interested in more examples.
I have released Tattletale 1.2.0.Beta2 to the community for testing.
Hibernate Search 4.1.0.Beta2 is released, and contains a very interesting improvement: it is now possible to precisely express which paths will be indexed when using @IndexedEmbedded.
After gradually collecting more and more experience with Gradle via the Hibernate Core build, I decided prepare a final showdown. As a reminder, Hibernate ORM switched as of version 4 from Maven to Gradle for a variety of reasons. Taking these reasons on board, I tried to compare Maven vs Gradle incorporating some of the lessons learned. I presented the results at Jfokus 2012. If you are interested here are the slides[1].