A standard, universal @Transactional annotation is coming in Java EE 7. You can read more about the proposal here.
One of the good thing about open companies is that your manager knows what you do through your blog and commit history. Which made me think that I have not explained what I have been busy with in a long time :D
I'm happy to announce the 7th alpha release of our IronJacamar 1.1 series.
Weld 2.0.0.Alpha2 has just been released. Weld 2 is an implementation of JSR-346 (CDI 1.1). The highlights of the new version are:
Hot on the heels of Weld 1.1.6 we have released Weld 1.1.7.Final. This release has only a few minor changes, mainly performance improvements, especially in the area of observer method resolution. Due to community feedback we have also relaxed the stricter checking of interceptor method signatures that were introduced in 1.1.6.
dear hibernate users,