Today, we published a new maintenance release of Hibernate ORM 5.3: 5.3.17.Final.
We are excited to announce the release of Hibernate ORM 6.0 Alpha5.
The main design goal for 6.0 is to improve even more Hibernate’s through-put performance. High-load performance
testing showed that Hibernate’s approach of reading values from ResultSet
by name to be its most limiting factor in
scaling through-put. At its most basic, 6.0 is all about changing from its old strategy of read-by-name to
read-by-position. But that simple goal has a lot of ramifications.
We have come really far, but still it is an Alpha, so there is still plenty more to do.
We just released Hibernate Validator 6.1.3.Final which contains some fixes for our translations and a performance improvement for validation of executables (i.e. methods and constructors).
This is a recommended upgrade for everyone using Hibernate Validator and it is a drop-in replacement for 6.1.2.Final.
We also released 6.0.19.Final.
Today, we published a new maintenance release of Hibernate ORM 5.4: 5.4.14.Final.
We just published Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta6.
Aside from several bugfixes, this release mainly introduces schema management configuration and API at the mapper level, sorts on multi-valued fields, simpler and configurable indexing queues, implicit nested predicates, and offline startup for Elasticsearch. It also includes upgrades to Lucene 8.5, Elasticsearch 7.6.1 and Hibernate ORM 5.4.13.Final.
Today, we published a new maintenance release of Hibernate ORM 5.3: 5.3.16.Final.
Today, we published a new maintenance release of Hibernate ORM 5.4: 5.4.13.Final.
We just published Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta5.
This release mainly changes the way the Elasticsearch backend accesses indexes, introduces delayed commits and near-real-time queries for the Lucene backend, and renames a few methods in the Search DSL. It also includes upgrades to Lucene 8.4, Elasticsearch 7.6 and Hibernate ORM 5.4.12.Final.
We just published two bugfix releases for Hibernate Search: 5.11.5.Final and 5.10.9.Final. These releases mainly upgrade Hibernate Search to the latest compatible Hibernate ORM versions and fix one issue with the JSR-352 integration.