The Importance of Being P-less
Another blogger, who will remain unmentionable, is upset that some of the guys at JBoss are beginning to throw the term AO
around. According to him, the AOP community is just terribly attached to their P, and quite concerned that JBoss might be about to dominate the world with their P-less aspects.
Finally final review
I finally got the comments from our Hibernate in Action
reviewers back, so it's
time to give everyone an update on the current state. First, thanks to all of
you guys for your feedback. We really appreciate the many hours you spent reading
and commenting on the book. As one of you said: A good book is only possible with
excellent reviewers.
I've posted the slides for two recent presentations.
Free support
Recently, we've started to hear complaints that we don't put enough effort into free support in the Hibernate forums. This really kinda hurts, since everyone /used/ to comment that we gave such /great/ support, and since I still spend hours most days reading and responding to forum posts. I don't get paid for this, and I rarely get thanked for it either (even by the people I do get time to respond to). I've been doing this for almost three years now.
Metadata driven applications
Hibernate is great at representing strongly-typed, static object models. Not all applications are like this. Metadata-driven
applications define entity type information in the database. Both the object model and the relational model support dynamic addition of new types, and perhaps even redefinition of existing types. Actually, most complex applications contain a mix of both static models and dynamic models.
JDK 1.5 breaks my ObjectFactory
This is /just great/ ...
Internationalized data in Hibernate
We've seen a few people using internationalized reference data where labels displayed in the user interface depend upon the user's language. It's not immediately obvious how to deal with this in Hibernate, and I've been meaning to write up my preferred solution for a while now.
Comparing ORM tools
I've seen three or four ORM tool comparisons
in the last three weeks; on some weblogs, on our
forum and I've even been part in several decisions.
History triggers and Hibernate
Recently, I helped one of our customers migrating a legacy database to Hibernate; one of the more interesting topics was versioning and audit logging. Actually, in the last couple of months, the subject of historical data came up several times. No matter if it was a legacy SQL schema or a migration from a broken object-oriented database, everyone had their own way to log data changes.
Abe White of Solarmetric replies to my criticisms of JDO on TSS. I'm actually not interested in getting into a lengthy debate over this, but since there /was/ an error in my first post, I must certainly acknowledge that.