Seam 2 support in JBoss Tools
Last nights build of JBoss Tools now has Seam 2 support in its project creation wizards and the artifact wizards (New Seam Action, Form, etc.)
Ales Justin and Mark Newton are going to present the new JBoss application server core and kernel on Thursday this week, at a meeting of the JBoss special interest group. See you there.
Safety In Types
Kevin Bourrillion, one of the creators of Guice, has written an excellent post on the subject of typesafety.
JSR-299 Web Beans Early Draft
The first early draft[1] is now available! Please send comments to jsr-299-comments(AT)jcp.org. We really /do/ pay attention to community feedback, so if you take the time, it won't be wasted!
Slides from Web Beans talk
Here's my slides[1] from the talk at Silicon Valley JUG. This was a basic overview of Web Beans, for those who know nothing about it.
Want to use Seam with Maven?
Since I posted that Seam was now available in Maven, both Michael Yuan and Wesley Hales have blogged about creating a Seam project with Maven, including automagically setting up Tomcat with JBoss Embedded (cool, huh!) and deploying the project to it.
Here's a quick overview of a feature I've been wanting to add to Seam for ages. It's really easy to use - just create a standard SeamTest and inside the invokeApplication() call getRenderedMailMessage(viewIdOfMailMessageToRender). You can then make assertion's against the returned MimeMessage.
Our book Java Persistence with Hibernate
is now available in German. You can get it from Hanser Verlag and they also have an eBook edition available. This is a literal translation of the English original. However, to finish the translation faster we decided to cut the bonus chapter with the Seam introduction. Sorry folks, I will ask Manning if we can get this chapter published for free in the English original version. With Seam 2.0 approaching final release this is a bit outdated anyway.
New beta versions of JBoss Tools and Red Hat Developer Studio got released today.
Over the past year I've started turning down most speaking invitations from conferences and other events. I found that when I do too many talks, I stop enjoying it, and this doesn't help me give a good performance. But in the next few weeks I'm going to get out and talk about Seam and Web Beans at the following events: